I've wrote a status on Facebook stating that"I hate football & practicing politics; I stand only for human rights" for a long time I wanted to share my thoughts on the fine line between politics and defending human rights on a blog post not a Facebook status update. I was very lazy to do so till this status came up with a lot of unfinished discussions.
I think football and practicing politics have a lot of commonalities; In a football match only 22 persons are playing and doing real exercise while thousands of bigots are watching them and doing nothing except eating unhealthy food and acting violently towards the fans of the other team.
I think football and practicing politics have a lot of commonalities; In a football match only 22 persons are playing and doing real exercise while thousands of bigots are watching them and doing nothing except eating unhealthy food and acting violently towards the fans of the other team.
Practicing politics is exclusively limited to few persons; the elites. The process of decision making not within the government but also within opposition political parties/ movements which claim democracy does not involve the participation of all politically active persons or all members of those parties. Although I'm not affiliated with any political party/ movement but I've build my assumptions on discussions with members of several political parties/movements. Many political activists found themselves disappointed with their party's standing point on specific issues. Many of them are desperate with the centrality of decision making entities and leaders who wouldn't leave their positions before death. As a result we hear about disagreements, splits in political parties more than their achievements. They reflect weak standing points while all the country is facing a humanitarian crisis since many years ago.
Why political parties doesn't take a stand for the peoples' rights? civil wars are breaking the Sudan into pieces. IDPs are facing hunger and illness, peaceful protestors have been killed but the power struggle doesn't care to the innocent dead.
I see what are political parties doing regarding the human suffering in Sudan is the same as what football bigots are doing after the match.
Why political parties doesn't take a stand for the peoples' rights? civil wars are breaking the Sudan into pieces. IDPs are facing hunger and illness, peaceful protestors have been killed but the power struggle doesn't care to the innocent dead.
I see what are political parties doing regarding the human suffering in Sudan is the same as what football bigots are doing after the match.
In addition to the mentioned above; I hate practicing politics because I'm seeing political parties as groups of fundamentalists, reverencing for nationalism over humanity; claiming achieving the absolute truth showing high intolerance to different points of view.
I'd like also to emphasize on the notion that hating something; this doesn't mean depriving the others from enjoying it. I'm not saying practicing politics is unnecessary neither saying defending human rights is an alternative as some people assume I'm suggesting. Specifically I'm criticizing the wrong practice and not arguing the necessity of political institutions.